Traveling to Tivoli

According to Google maps, I moved 504 km today
That excludes the wrong turns I took (only once), the fact that I went further because I used buses & trains, my up & down in Rome due to a misunderstanding, I will call it.
I had beauty part of the way, the train ride through Sardinia, flying over the coast of Sardinia, the first glimpse of Tivoli with a massive waterfall gushing from its side, I had amusement… The flight from Olbia was delayed. Then we got on, started moving…& then went right back to where we started…a technical problem
I sat next to an American couple, the lady so curious, she pops up like a little chipmunk to see what is happening.
Our amusement was multiplied as it was shared
I had tears when I realised I had been misled by the trenitalia ticket kiosk that said I had to go to Roma Termini, more tears when I finally got to the right train & it refused to open it’s doors…
I finally arrived in Tivoli four hours later than planned
But oh, wow
Clinging to a hill top, the waterfall I mentioned…the river like a sky…
Ancient streets with ancient stories
Absolutely worth every minute of effort to get here!

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